Japanese Maples
The breathtaking colors and delicate shapes of the Japanese Maple have long delighted gardeners and plant connoisseurs. Since the early 1600s, the Japanese have revered and cultivated the Maple, developing many new varieties. Over 1000 cultivars are now in existence. We try to offer a selection of some of the most popular varieties, as well as new and hard to find types for the collector.
Upright Japanese Maples

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 10-12’ W A very vigorous upright form with a dissected leaf. Green leaves in spring turn yellow-gold and crimson in the fall. Vase shaped.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 8’ T 6-8’ W A compact Japanese Maple with striking foliage. Emerging brilliant red in spring, fading to pinkish-red with green undertones in summer. In fall the leaves turn vibrant orange and fiery red.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 10-15’ T 10-15’ W Beautiful variegated leaf of green with cream and orangish-pink margins in spring. Magenta fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 20’ T 20’ W Black-red foliage color which holds well through summer. Burgundy- red fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 10-12’ W Deeply cut foliage emerges brick red in spring, turning flat red in summer. A stunning crimson fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 20’ T 20’ W Brilliant red color throughout the growing season. Bright crimson fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period New growth on this vigorous, upright cultivar is bright cherry red that darkens some throughout the summer. Brilliant fire red fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 12-15’ W Gradients of pink, red and purple leaves in spring. Colors last fairly well into the summer but will eventually age to burgundy. Fall colors are splashes of oranges and reds.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 10-12’ T 6-8’ W Creamy white to green leaves emerge with purple tip and deep green veins, a neat spring display. For the longest display of color protect from hot afternoon sun. Fall color is a mix of yellow, orange and red.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 10-12’ T 6’ W This beauty has delicate long and narrowly lobed leaves of red, with orange and red fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 20’ T 12-15’ W Deep purple leaves in the spring and early summer. Turning a red-purple into late summer. Bright red-crimson fall color. Vigorous grower.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 6-8’ T 6’ W True dwarf Japanese Maple whose leaves are spaced closely together on short, stubby shoots. Green leaves turn yellow-orange to red in fall. Slow growing.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 12’ W Large deep red to purple leaves create a showy display. Green undertones appear midsummer. Beautiful bronzing in fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 15’ W Young vigorous growth matures into long cascading branches with deeply divided leaves. Excellent fall color of scarlet and gold tones.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 8’ W New leaves emerge orange and turn green in summer, with orange petioles. Fall color is bright red, accompanied by orange and green.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12 -15’ T 10-12’ W The new growth emerges an array of colors from pink, green, and cream. One of the fastest growing of the variegated leaved Japanese Maples. Brilliant shades of pink-red to maroon in fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 12-15’ W Spring leaves arrive in shades of orange-red, that become brick red in summer time, and back to bright red in the fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 10-12’ T 6’ W Rich purple-red leaves emerge in spring. Prominent dark veins run throughout the leaves adding more beauty. In the fall, this beauty transforms into vibrant orange and red.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 20’ T 20’ W similar look to a Bloodgood, but leafs out 2-3 weeks later. New growth is brilliant crimson. Leaf texture is thinner with a translucent effect. Dark red color lasts throughout summer. Crimson fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 8-10’ T 8’ W Leaves emerge dark red in spring, turning dark green with coppery-bronze undersides in summer. Outstanding shades of dark red and burgundy in the fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 12-15’ W Light green foliage in spring turning darker as summer arrives. Fall color of brilliant golden tones. As temperatures get cooler the bark turns impressive shades of coral.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 10-12’ W A very vigorous upright form with a dissected leaf. Green leaves in spring turn yellow-gold and crimson in the fall. Vase shaped.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 8-10’ T 8’ W Small deep green crinkled foliage tightly clustered on this sturdy and compact plant. Fall colors range from yellow to crimson. Slow growing.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 8-10’ T 4’ W Bright red spring color, becoming burgundy red foliage in the summer, and bright red again in the fall A beautiful vigorous upright narrow habit.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 12-15’ W Leaves are brilliant deep red tones in the spring and almost black-red in summer. Fall color is fluorescent orange with crimson tones.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 15-20’ T 15’ W Spring foliage is a bright red and slowly darkens into a burgundy during the summer time and back to bright red in the fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 12-15’ T 8-10’ W Foliage emerges dark reddish-purple in spring with good color retention until late summer, when it fades to reddish-green and bronze before turning showy crimson red in fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 8-10’ T 8’ W Rich deep purple leaves which hold their color well throughout the season. Lime green vein accentuates the color of the leaves. Fantastic orange fall color.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 6-8’ T 4’ W Leaves emerge reddish-purple in spring, mature to green with red overtones in summer and turn golden orange in fall.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 8-10’ T 6-8’ W Leaves on this compact variety emerge red-orange and shift to green with red in the summer. Golden with crimson flashes in fall, just before the vibrant coral-red bark shines in winter.

Upright Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum - expect sizes to occur in a 20 year period 15-20’ T 15’ W Rich, bright reddish-purple spring color which turns to a deeper color as summer progresses. Hot full sun exposure tends to turn leaves bronze with green. Fall colors are fiery orange-scarlet red.
Moonglow Japanese Maples

Full Moon Japanese Maples/Acer shirasawanum 8-10’ T 8’ W The foliage of this prized Full Moon Maple virtually glows throughout the season. Especially in a site with filtered light, the fan-shaped leaves emerge bright yellow in spring, then gradually soften to yellow-green, a color that holds all summer. Tangerine fall color.

Full Moon Japanese Maples/Acer shirasawanum 8-10’ T 8’ W A fairly new variety that has bright red new growth in spring, changing to orange-yellow for summer. Can withstand full sun quite well.
Weeping Japanese Maples
The size of Weeping Japanese Maples depends on their graft height. If they have an approx. 1’ graft expect mounds ranging in size about 4-5’ tall by 4-5’ wide. A higher graft closer to 2.5-3’ expect mounds 6-8’ tall by 6-8’ wide. Sizes are for a 20 year period. All cultivars can be trimmed to desired size.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Delicate, beautiful crimson color holds throughout summer and turns bright scarlet in the fall. One of the most popular varieties of Weeping Japanese Maples.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson leaves emerge in spring and age to an attractive burgundy in summer. Outstanding shades of orange and crimson in fall.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Beautiful green laceleaf that is lightly variegated. Leaves are deeply toothed to make a unique dissected form. Bright golden-orange fall color.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Deeply cut dark red leaves that retain their color through summer. Bright red leaves in fall. A more tight, squatty structure.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Deep purple-red dissected leaves hold color through late summer. Brilliant scarlet tones in fall.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum One of the tightest waterfall looking weepers. Foliage changes from green to purple and then a brilliant shade of orange-red in the fall.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Outstanding bronze-red spring foliage lasts throughout summer. Bright crimson-red fall color.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Spring leaves emerge with a bronze green, leaves become deep purple red in the summer. The color holds will into the summer. Crimson-orange fall foliage is very vivid.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Very compact, noted for keeping its rich purple-red foliage. Elegant lacey dissected leaves reminiscent of the claws of a dragon. Crimson-red fall foliage.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum A green variety that emerges in spring with light green leaves and pink edges. Bright yellow fall color.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Very dark purple red foliage holds through summer with green undertones. Fall colors of brilliant scarlet.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Very beautiful green weeping variety with exceptional branching architecture. More shade tolerant then red leaf varieties. Vibrant orange-gold fall color.

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Emerging leaves come out slightly red before turning a spectacular pink and then fading to green. Fall color is a great mix of yellow, orange and red

Weeping Japanese Maples/Acer palmatum dissectum Large, finely cut green leaves that turn golden-orange fall color.