
4-6|6+ B|H|C|D Pale apricot to deep rose red Mid June- July 18-22” tall. Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D|N Lemon yellow flat topped Mid June through July 18-24” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D Lavender-pink flat topped Mid-June through July 24-30” tall Plant 18” apart

6+ B|H|C|P|D Deep blue spikes Long lasting July through September 2-3’ tall Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4|4-6 D Indigo spikes May and June 6” tall spreading groundcover

0-2|2-4|4-6 D Lilac spikes May and June 8” tall spreading groundcover

0-2|2-4 D Yellow-green, star shaped June to July 18” tall Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ D|N|C Deep purple buds open to bright blue, star-shaped flowers Spring 12-15” tall Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6 D|N|C|B|H Extra large blue flowers with white centers May 16-18” tall Plant 16” apart

2-4|4-6 D|N|C|B|H Extra large red flowers with white centers May 16-18” tall Plant 16” apart

2-4|4-6 D|N|C|B|H Combinations of blue, red, rose shades, and white May 16-18” tall Plant 16” apart

6+ B Large, mauve-pink, globe shaped blooms Early spring to late fall 10-12” tall. Plant 12” apart

0-2|2-4 B|D|C|W Bright red plumes June through July 20” tall Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 B|D|C|W Airy salmon-pink plumes June through July 20-24” Plant 18” apart


4-6|6+ B|D|N|C|P Intense purple-blue spikes June into July 2-3’ tall Plant 2’ apart

0-2|2-4 D Cool blue, Forget-Me-Not shaped April and May 15” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|D|N|C|P Two-lipped pink to rose-purple Late summer- fall 2-3’ tall. Plant 30” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D|N|P Glowing yellow with red eyes June through September 8-12” tall Plant 12” apart *Dead head for continuous blooming

4-6|6+ B|H|P|C|D|N Glowing yellow June through September 18-24” tall. Plant 24” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D|N|P Bright yellow with red centers June through September 12-14” tall Plant 12” apart *Dead head for continuous blooming

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D|N|P Bright gold with upright habit June through September 16-18” tall Plant 16” apart *Dead head for continuous blooming

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D Eye-catching fiery red Long lasting July through August 3’ tall Plant 12” apart

6+ B|D Pale purple, daisy-shaped All summer 6” tall, spreading

6+ B|D Golden yellow, daisy-shaped All summer 2” tall, mat-forming

4-6|6+ B|P|D Double, rich-red with soft pink tips. Fragrant! May 8-10” tall Plant 12” apart *Repeat bloomer with deadheading

4-6|6+ B|P|D Double, coral pink. Fragrant! May 8-10” tall Plant 12” apart *Repeat bloomer with deadheading

4-6|6+ B|P|D Deep pink, red and white semi-double blooms May 6-8” tall. Plant 12” apart * Repeat bloomer with deadheading

4-6|6+ B|P|D Soft pink with a darker pink eye June 8-10” tall Plant 12” apart *Repeat bloomer with deadheading

0-2|2-4|4-6 B|D|C Reddish-pink heart-shaped flowers above ferny foliage Spring into summer 12-16” tall Plant 12” apart


4-6|6+ H|B|C|D|N|P Raspberry pinks surrounded by muted orange to golden yellow July through September 15-18” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ H|B|C|D|N|P Double vanilla-white with yellow center July through September 2-3’ tall Plant 2’ apart

4-6|6+ H|B|P|C|D|N Golden yellow with a fiery red ring around a chocolate cone July-September 20-24” tall. Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ H|B|C|D|N|P Shades of green with a subtle pink ring around central cone July through September 3’ tall Plant 24” apart

4-6|6+ H|B|P|D|C|N Extra-large pink flowers July- September 3’ tall. Plant 24” apart

4-6|6+ H|B|C|D|N|P Rose pink July through September 18-24” tall Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 W|D Foliage: New growth brilliant cinnamon-bronze and fades to bright green 18-24” tall Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 W|D Foliage: Stiffly erect, lime green fronds with elegantly dropping tips 2’ tall Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 W|D Foliage: Multicolored display of silver, maroon, and green 2-3’ tall Plant 2’ apart

0-2|2-4 W|D|N Foliage: Soft, fluffy fronds held on deep red-burgundy stems 18-30” tall Plant 20” apart

0-2|2-4 W|D|N Foliage: Soft, bright green fronds cascading from upright stems 18-24” tall Plant 20” apart

0-2|2-4 W|D|N Foliage: Large, stately, bright green fronds 3-4’ tall Plant 2’ apart

0-2|2-4 W|D Surprisingly fragrant white blooms Spring 10-12” tall Groundcover space 12” apart

4-6|6+ B|D Deep Magenta May through June 8-12” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|D Periwinkle-purple June until frost 16-24” tall Plant 24” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|D|C Warm tangerine June into August 24-30” tall Plant 15” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|D 3” Buttery yellow Late May to frost 14-16” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|D 3” bright red with yellow throat June reblooming into fall 18-24” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|D 2.5-3” reddish-purple with yellow throat May through August 18-24” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|D 4” Rose-pink with a deep rose eye and yellow throat June through August 12-14” tall Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|D Deep golden yellow May to August 12-14” tall Plant 18” apart

Berry Timeless: 2-4|4-6|6+ B|D|N Petite pink masses above variegated green and white leaves June til frost 12-18” tall Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6 B|D|N Small pink sprays above bronze-black foliage June-July 10-14” tall Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|D|N Small white sprays above deep red with silver frosted leaves June- July 12-14” tall Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|D|N Small pink sprays above peach-pink foliage June-August 10-12” tall Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|D|N Tiny white sprays above shimmering plum and silver foliage May-July 14-16” tall Plant 18” apart

Lime green leaves brighten to a golden-yellow 20-24” tall. Plant 4’ apart

Bright emerald colored leaves with a creamy yellow margin. Soft near white/lavender flowers 18” tall. Plant 36” apart

Petite green leaves with crisp, white margins. Purple flowers appear late summer. 10-12” tall. Plant 2’ apart

Thick, huge, dark green leaves with pale reddish violet flowers in summer 4’ tall. Plant 6’ apart

Frosty blue/ green leaves with golden yellow margins 14-16” tall. Plant 3’ apart

Apple green foliage bordered by dark green margins. Large, near white flowers 2’ tall. Plant 4’ apart

Bright green leaves mature to golden yellow with a deep green edge. Red stems hold both the leaves and the lavender flowers 10-14” tall. Plant 2’ apart

Gold leaves with a blue-green margin 16” tall. Plant 3’ apart

Small hosta with thick blue-green leaves 8-10” tall. Plant 12” apart

Deep blue-green margins surround bright gold centers that mature to pure white by summer’s end. Pale lavender blooms. 20” tall. Plant 3’ apart

Narrow, upright, deep green leaves with a thin white margin 14-18” tall. Plant 2’ apart

Large, shiny golden leaves with deep green margins are deeply veined. 14-16” tall. Plant 2’ apart

Large, bright chartreuse foliage with blush lavender/pink flowers 3’ tall. Plant 5-6’ apart

Glossy deep green leaves with a wide creamy gold margin 16-18” tall. Plant 4’ apart


4-6|6+ D|C Pristine white flowers with soft yellow beards Early summer, reblooming early fall 36” tall. Plant 24” apart

4-6 |6+ D|C Dark purplish blue Early summer 24-36” tall. Plant 24” apart

6+ H|B|C|D Shades of red and orange with age they turn yellow Summer 3’ tall. Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 D Soft salmon-pink flowers Summer 6-12” tall. Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 D Charming deep purple flowers Summer 6-12” tall. Plant 18” apart

0-2|2-4 D Sparkling white flowers Summer 6-12” tall. Plant 18” apart

6+ B|P|C|D Soft lavender Early summer to early fall 24-36” tall. Plant 20” apart

6+ B|P|C|D Intense purple Early summer to late summer 10-12” tall. Plant 12” apart

6+ B|D|C|P (PW) Huge 4-5” lemon yellow to creamy white flowers Summer 20-24” tall. Plant 24” apart

6+ B|D|C|P Huge 4” pure white flowers Summer 3-4’ tall. Plant 24” apart

4-6|6+ D|P|N|B|H|C Deep purple flower spikes July- September 20” tall. Plant 15” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ Bright small, yellow flower Summer 2-4” tall. Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ D Tiny lilac blue flowers Summer 2-5” tall. Plant 20” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ P|C|B|H|D|N Large, cherry red flowers Summer 24-30” tall. Plant 16” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ P|C|D|B|H|N Lavender- blue fragrant flowers Summer 18-20” tall. Plant 24” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|P|C|D|H|N Frilly cherry red flowers Summer 20-24” tall. Plant 30” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|P|D|C|N|H Vibrant, magenta flowers Summer 20-24” tall. Plant 24” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|C|D|N|H|P Large, lavender rose flowers Summer 12-15” tall. Plant 18” apart


4-6|6+ B|H|D|P Small pale lavender flowers Spring-Summer 14-16” tall. Plant 36” apart

4-6|6+ B|P|D|H Showy periwinkle blue flowers Summer-fall 24” tall. Plant 24” apart

6+ N|B|H|D Whisper pink with rose veining and yellow/green eyezone Summer 10-12” tall. Plant 18” apart

6+ B|H|C Soft and deep-pink bell shaped flowers Summer 2-3’ tall. Plant 3’ apart

6+ C Large, red double blooms Mid-late spring 2’ tall. Plant 4’ apart

4-6|6+ Semi-double, white with dark lavender centers. Fragrant. Late spring 36” tall. Plant 36” apart

6+ P|D|C Spikes of lavender blue flowers Summer- Fall 3-4’ tall. Plant 3-4’ apart

6+ B|C|D Delicate lavender-blue flowers Spring to early summer 3-6” tall. Plant 12” apart

6+ B|C|D Starry, bright pink flowers Late spring 3-6” tall. Plant 15” apart.

4-6|6+ B|C|D Fragrant, rich violet-purple flowers Spring to summer 2-4” tall. Plant 12” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|P|D Rosy- coral with a vibrant pink eye Summer- early fall 18-22” tall. Plant 2’ apart

Variegated 0-2|2-4 B|C|H Fragrant white bells. Flowers give way to blue-black berries Summer 24” tall. Plant 24” apart

4-6|6+ B|C|P Bright, golden yellow with a black center Late summer-fall 24” tall. Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ B|C|P|N Star-shaped, golden yellow flowers Mid summer- fall 14-16” tall. Plant 14-16” apart


4-6|6+ C|D|B|P|H True blue flower spikes Summer 18” tall. Plant 18” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ C|D|B|H|P Vivid violet-blue blooms Late spring-fall 10-12” tall. Plant 10-12” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ C|D|B|H|P Violet-blue flowers on striking purple-black stems Early sumer-fall 18” tall. Plant 24” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|P|C|D Indigo blue flower spikes Summer 18-24” tall. Plant 18-24” apart

4-6|6+ C|D|B|H|P Bright white flower spikes Summer 15” tall. Plant 15” apart

6+ Foliage: Brilliant chartreuse-yellow, needle-like foliage 3-6” tall. Plant 30-36” apart

6+ D Clusters of tiny, star shaped, rose-pink flowers Late summer to fall 24-36” tall. Plant 20-24” apart

6+ D Deep red flowers Late summer 4-6” tall. Plant 24” apart

6+ D Star-shaped, deep golden flowers Late summer 4” tall. Plant 12” apart

6+ B|D Bright yellow flowers Summer 6-10” tall. Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ D|N Bright blue, star-shaped flowers with gold centers rise above iris-like foliage Late spring-mid summer 6-12” tall. Plant 12” apart

4-6|6+ Foliage: dense, silver-white, woolly foliage 12” tall. Spreading


0-2|2-4 D Spikes of foamy, pale-pink and white flowers Spring 8” tall. Plant 12-15” apart

2-4|4-6|6+ Bright purple flowers adorned with showy yellow stamen Summer 15-18” tall. Plant 18-24” apart


4-6|6+ B|H|C|D Fluorescent pink flower spikes Late spring-Fall 10-12” tall. Plant 18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D Vibrant violet-blue flower spikes Late spring-fall 12” tall. Plant 15-18” apart

4-6|6+ B|H|C|D Small, soft blue with a white eye Late spring-fall 4-6” tall. Plant 12” apart