Evergreen & Deciduous Plants

2-3 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. A semi-evergreen. New foliage emerges green and yellow with hints of orange and red. Beautiful gold leaves in summer covered in white fragrant flowers, fiery red and orange for fall and into winter. Deer resistant.

12-15 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. A narrow, pyramidal evergreen with dense, emerald green foliage that holds color throughout winter. One of the most popular and effective shrubs for screening. Trim to desired height. Grows 1-2 ft per year.

20+ ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part shade. Dark green, glossy foliage retain their color through the winter. Requires no pruning to keep pyramidal shape. Great for fast screening, grows 3-4ft per year. Deer resistant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. A small, slow growing, evergreen shrub with rich green foliage all season. Naturally forms a dense globed-shape habit. A very tough and durable plant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. This dwarf evergreen shrub has bright golden foliage that turns to a coppery gold in winter. Can be trimmed to desired shape and size.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. A dwarf evergreen with rich green foliage all season. Forms a dense ball shape without pruning.

10 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part sun. A distinctive narrow evergreen with showy, dense, golden-yellow foliage. A superb choice for use as an accent to brighten the landscape year round. Grows 8-10” per year.

4-6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. Commonly called chokeberry. An open, upright habit deciduous shrub with white flower clusters in May. Dark green leaves turn purple red in fall. Blac autumn berries. Native.

- 6-8 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. Commonly called red chokeberry. This deciduous shrub has clusters of white to light pink flowers in May followed by bright red berries in fall. Dark green foliage turns bright red in fall.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Part shade to full shade. A dense rounded evergreen shrub with glossy, green blotched with yellow foliage. Can tolerate heavy shade.

2-4 ft T 2-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Double salmon- pink flowers in a dense shrub- covering glossy dark green, evergreen leaves in spring. Trim to size after blooming.

2-3 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Large, frilly lobed, vivid orange petals in early spring. Bright green foliage is deciduous. Trim to size after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. A stunning profusion of single, fuchsia colored blooms blankets lush, green evergreen foliage in spring. Trim to size after blooming.

1 ½ - 2 ft T 2-3 ft W Part sun to part shade. A dwarf evergreen Azalea with extremely showy, single light pink flowers late in the season (June). Trim to size after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. A spectacular display of large hot pink blooms in spring. Trim to size after blooming.

4 ft T 4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Masses of lightly- scented double red blooms in spring. Trim to size after blooming.

2-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Profuse single crimson red blooms appear early spring. Dense green evergreen leaves. Trim to size after blooming.

4 ft T 4 ftW Part sun to part shade. Large red flowers on deep green leaves. Fall color is bronzy. Trim to size after blooming.

4-6 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Profuse large, white flowers in late spring. Light green evergreen foliage. Trim to size after blooming.

2-4 ft T 2-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Beautiful pink rosebuds open to a rosy pink double flowers in spring. Nice bright green evergreen foliage. Trim to size after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Vivid bright pink flowers age to red and practically smother the variegated green and white foliage in spring. Evergreen. Trim to size after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Glossy green evergreen leaves turn reddish in winter. Clusters of brick red flowers appear in spring. Trim to size after blooming.

2-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Best in partial sun/ part shade. Heavy bloomer with medium pink flowers that make a wonderful spring show. Tiny evergreen leaves. Trim to size right after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Beautiful light reddish- purple flowers with a vivid reddishpurple blotch. Blooms in May. Evergreen. Trim to size after blooming.

18 in T 2-2 ½ ft W Full sun. Golden yellow leaves keep their color throughout summer. Deciduous. Easy to trim. Deer resistant.

4-5 ftT 4 ft W Full sun. Deep rose-red foliage is mottled with white and green in spring, bringing wonderful color into the landscape. Deciduous. Easy to trim. Deer resistant.

2 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. Rich burgundy foliage hold their color through summer. Much more compact than Rosy Glow. Deciduous. Easy to trim. Deer resistant.

5-7 ft T 5-7 ft W Full sun to part shade. Dense deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. Leathery, glossy, green leaves are aromatic when crushed.

Rounded, compact deciduous shrub, primarily grown for its eye catching display of shiny purple berries from late summer through fall. Pale lavender tiny flowers in June. Golden fall color. Deer resistant.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. Moderate growing shrub with large, sweet, light blue berries. Self-pollinating. Ripens mid season. Beautiful red fall color.

5 ft T 5 ft W Full sun. Large, light blue berries in summer with a delicious sweet- tangy flavor. Beautiful red fall color. Self- pollinating.

5 ft T 5 ft W Full sun. Large, sweet blueberries on this deciduous shrub. Excellent yellow, bronze and red fall color. Self- pollinating.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. A pink blueberry! Pinkish-white flowers mature to a pinkish-red fruit mid-summer. A very sweet flavor. Brilliant golden-orange fall color.

6-7 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part shade. A narrow, evergreen form with deep green foliage. Easy to trim to shape.

6-8 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part shade. A fastigiate boxwood with appealing columnar form and dense branching. Evergreen. Easy to trim.

4-5 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. A vigorous evergreen shrub with bright green foliage that retains good color throughout winter. Trim to shape.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. Dense, low evergreen. Rich green color throughout winter. Can easily be trimmed to shape.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Small dark, green leaves are bordered by an irregular creamy white variegation adding interest and color. Easily trimmed to shape. Evergreen.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Excellent evergreen shrub. Rich, green foliage turns golden bronze in winter. Tough. Trim to shape.
Burning Bush
Butterfly Bush

6-8 ft T 6-8 f tW Full sun to part shade. A sensational accent or natural hedge prized for its intense scarlet red fall coloring. Attractive rich green leaves spring through summer. Use alone or as a hedge. Can take heavy pruning.

4-6 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Outstanding purplish-red flowers that bloom June through September. Flowers are mildly fragrant. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies. Trim back in spring to get best shape.

6-8 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. Spectacular lightly fragrant, dark violet-purple flower spikes June through September. Vigorous grower. Trim back in spring to get best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

5-6 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. Attractive and fragrant 8” long bright red coloration likened to cran-raspberry juice. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies. Trim back in spring to get best shape

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. A stunning dwarf shrub has a dense, compact form with continuous pink blooms summer until frost. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies. Trim to shape in spring.

6-8 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. Deep purple flowers bloom summer into fall. Trim back in spring to get best shape. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. Intense red- magenta fragrant flowers bloom summer until frost. Compact, dense form. Trim back in spring for best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. Brilliant rich pink summer blooms. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Trim back in spring to get best shape.

6-8 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. Large, pink, fragrant blooms in summer. Vigorous grower. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies. Trim back in spring to get best shape.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Bright raspberry pink flowers bloom summer into fall. Trim back in spring for best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

) 2 ft T 2 ft W Full sun. Full sized flowers on a dwarf plant. This dwarf butterfly bush blooms non-stop from early summer through frost with Amethyst toned flowers. Trim back in spring to get best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. Large, full, true blue flowers bloom non-stop summer through frost. A fantastic dwarf plant. Trim to shape in spring. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

2 ft T 2 ft W Full sun. Full sized flowers on a dwarf plant. This dwarf butterfly bush blooms non-stop from early summer through frost with taffy pink flowers. Trim back in spring to get best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

6-8 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. Rich purple-red flowers bloom summer into fall. Trim back in spring for best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

4 ft T 4 ft W Full sun. Beautiful blue flowers bloom continuously from summer until frost. Silver-green stems and foliage. Trim back in spring for best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

5-6 ft T 5-6 ft W Full sun. Outstanding, large pure white blooms June to September. Trim back in spring to get best shape. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

4 ft T 4 ft W Full sun to part sun. This compact, Buttonbush dons white sweetly scented ball-shaped blooms early summer. Red fruit follows in late summer. New foliage emerges red, progresses to green and turns burgundy in fall. Native.
Cherry Laurel

2 ft T 2 ft W Full sun. A compact, mounding shrub with dense, fragrant, silver-gray foliage and deep purplish blue flowers. Blooms late sumer to fall. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant.

4 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. This lush growing, compact evergreen shrub offers year round interest with glossy dark- green leaves and showy, fragrant, creamy white flowers in spring. Excellent hedge. Easily trimmed.

6-10 ft T 5-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. A handsome upright evergreen shrub with glossy green foliage on a dense, vase- shaped form. Fragrant creamy white flowers in spring. Excellent screening. Easily trimmed. Keep out of cold winter winds.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. Compact, deciduous shrub with abundant creamy white fragrant flowers in summer, turn shades of yellow in fall. Commonly called Summer Sweet. Easily trimmed. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Native.

4-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Fragrant spikes of small rich, rose-pink flowers stand above glossy-green foliage in the summer. Yellow fall color. Commonly called Summer Sweet. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Native.

s 4-5 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part shade. Compact, deciduous shrub with abundant creamy white fragrant flowers in summer, turn shades of yellow in fall. Commonly called Summer Sweet. Easily trimmed. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Native.
Crape Myrtle

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun. Glowing rich punch- red flowers on a compact and dwarf habit. Does well in our colder climate. Deciduous.

8-10 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark,. Showy, ruffled, fiery red summer flowers. Followed by vibrant orange- red fall color. Deciduous. Excellent specimen. Keep out of cold winter winds.

8-10 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark,. Showy pink flowers all summer. Followed by brilliant yellow- orange- red fall color. Deciduous. Keep out of cold winter winds.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark,. Pure white flowers all summer. Followed by brilliant yellow- orange- red fall color. Deciduous. Keep out of cold winter winds.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark. Showy, deep wine red leaves emerge in spring and age to dark purplish- green, providing a striking contrast to vibrant pink summer flowers. deciduous . Excellent specimen. Keep out of cold winter winds.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark,. Showy ruby-red flowers all summer. Followed by brilliant yellow- orange red fall color. Deciduous. Keep out of cold winter wind

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark. Large clusters or soft fuchsia- red blooms. Foliage turns luscious orange-red in fall. Deciduous. Excellent specimen. Keep out of cold winter winds.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun. An attractive ornamental shrub or small tree with smooth peeling bark,. Showy dark lavender-violet flowers all summer. Followed by brilliant yelloworange- red fall color. Deciduous. Keep out of cold winter winds.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun. A superb evergreen selection that retains a natural, dense, dome shape with little care. The interesting textured foliage becomes rust red in winter. Slow growing.

10-15 ft T 6 ft W Full sun to part shade. Spreading branches of bright, showy golden foliage. Upright growing large shrub/small specimen tree. Can be trimmed.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun. A ground hugging mound that is truly mop-like. Easily trimmed. Tough plant. Evergreen.

20+ ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part shade. Very fast growing evergreen conifer with dense columnar habit. Flattened sprays of gray-green foliage turn copper in winter. Keep out of extreme NW winter winds. Can be trimmed. Grows 3 ft a year.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Grows only 1-3” per year. This true dwarf evergreen features golden-yellow fan-like foliage and an irregularly lobe-shaped, upright habit. Unique look.
Cytisus (Scotch Broom)

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Abundant sprays of fragrant maroon pea-like flowers cover the slender green stems late spring into early summer. Deer resistant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Abundant sprays of fragrant lemon yellow and ruby-red pea-like flowers cover the slender green stems late spring into early summer. Deer resistant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Abundant sprays of stunning yellow with orange overtones and a red blotch, pea-like flower covers the slender green stems late spring into early summer. Deer resistant.

1-2 ft T 1-2 ft W Full sun to part sun. Perfectly pretty pink flowers over dark green foliage. Beautiful burgundy purple fall color. A tough ground cover. Blooms in spring. Deer resistant.

2 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun. White double blooms cover the bright green foliage in spring. Foliage turns deep burgundy in fall. A tough ground cover. Deer resistant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. The first variegated Diervilla and its cool foliage stays bright and clean right up until first frost. Branches of yellow blossoms adorn the plant in June and July. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Native.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to full shade. Looking for a durable native plant that will thrive in sun or shade? Orange new growth in spring turns green in summer providing a backdrop to yellow flower clusters all summer. Glowing orange-red fall color. Trim to shape. Deer resistant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. Looking for a durable native plant that will thrive in sun or shade? Deep burgundy new growth. Branches of yellow blossoms adorn the plant in June and July. Vivid red fall color. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant.

4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun. This evergreen shrub displays dense, bold green and gold variegated foliage on an upright growth habit. Tough shrub with easy care.

6-8 ft T 5 ft W Full sun to shade. An excellent choice for fast growing evergreen hedge. Dense, lush dark green foliage and a naturally neat appearance. Fast growing, 2ft+ per year.

2-3 ft T 5 ft W Full sun to part sun. Deep green leaves have a large, bright yellow blotch in the center. A great evergreen groundcover.

4 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Attractive silvery- white margins on glossy green leaves. Can be grouped to form a low hedge. Easy to trim. Evergreen.
Fineline Buckthorn

5-7 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Feathery foliage is vibrant green until fall when it changes to golden yellow. Wonderful texture and a narrow forn make this plant great for hedge rows, accent plants or even in a patio container. Deer resistant.

2 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. A dwarf forsythia that is noted for its compact spreading habit. Brilliant yellow flowers in early spring.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun to part shade. Carefree Forsythia lights up the spring with its golden yellow blooms. The whole shrub provides an abundance of blooms. When color fades, dark green foliage forms. Great for privacy. Easily trimmed. Deer resistant. Fast growing.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part sun. A deciduous shrub with deep blue-green leaves that have a spectacular range of fall color. Showy, honey-scented, bottlebrush-like, white flowers appear before foliage emerges in spring. Slow growing.

5-6 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Handsome hedge or specimen displays a profusion of bright red berries, fall through winter. Dense, blue-green foliage throughout the year. Use Blue Boy or Blue Prince as a pollinator. Easily trimmed.

5-6 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. This evergreen shrub has a beautiful dark blue-green foliage on blue purple stems. Use for hedge or as a specimen plant. Easily trimmed.

10 -12 ft T 6 ft W Full sun to part sun. Popular, narrow, columnar holly with stiff glossy, dark green foliage.l Will produce red berries when planted near a male blue holly, like Blue Prince. Easily trimmed.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Dense, mounding evergreen with dark green lustrous foliage. Small flowers are inconspicuous followed by black berries in the winter. Great for foundation planting or small hedge. Low maintenance.

2 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to partial shade. A low growing, densely branched, compact evergreen shrub with handsome flattened, dark green foliage. Very reminiscent of Boxwood. Excellent choice for use in borders or mass planting. Low maintenance.

8- 10 ft T 6 ft W Full sun to part sun. Dense, evergreen shrub with dark lustrous green, deeply serrated leaves that are set along dark stems. In the fall, clusters of bright red berries decorate the foliage.

15- 20 ft T 10 -15 ft W Full sun to partial shade. One of the most attractive hollies. Vigorous growing with a broad pyramidal tree-like form. Dense branching and lustrous, dark green, leathery foliage. An excellent hedge. Large, bright orange-red berries without a male pollinator.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Selected for its compact habit and glistening, bright green new foliage. Great hedge or border plant. Easily trimmed. Low maintenance.

6-8 ft t 2-3 ft W Full sun to partial shade. A narrow, columnar form with dark green foliage that stays neat year-round. Ideal for vertical accent, patios in pots or screening. Evergreen. Low maintenance.

2 ft T 2-3 ft W A dense, mounded evergreen shrub with soft-textured, glossy green leaves. Works great in borders, along walkways. Black ornamental berries persist into winter. Low maintenance.

6-8 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to partial shade. An easy to grow dense, evergreen shrub with an attractive upright, pyramidal form. Dark green foliage adds color all year. Black ornamental berries persist into winter. Low maintenance.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part shade. An oakleaf hydrangea with large 12” white flowers. Dark green foliage and burgundy fall color. Native. Easily trimmed.

5 ft T 5 ft W Part su. Stunning 10-12” pure white flowers, much larger than the others of the Smooth Hydrangea group. Blooms appear late spring through summer on strong stems. Native.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Part sun to part shade. Prized for its large, rounded clusters of spoon-shaped, mauve- pink flowers and glossy, heavily textured, deep green leaves. Superb variety. Blooms on old wood.

6 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Abundant, long lasting rounded flower heads that start white and progress to pink, intense raspberry red and finally wine red. Summer bloomer. Easily trimmed.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Does best in part sun to part shade. Can take full sun. Incredibly beautiful red-purple stems with dark green leaves with red veins support long lasting blooms. Pink, purple and blue flowers are controlled by soil pH. Blooms both on new and old wood.

1 ½- 2 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Large, full flower heads go heavenly blue in acidic soils; in alkaline soils they'll be vivid pink. Compact, reblooming on old and new wood.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Part sun to part shade. Pure white semi- double florets which mature to blush pink. Bloom summer into fall. Blooms both on old and new wood.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part sun. A new dwarf that is sure to turn heads. Blooms are held upright on strong stems and continue to grow and lengthen as they bloom. Creamy white flowers turn a pinkish hue. Easily trimmed.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. Rich cherry-pink lacecap blossoms with paler pink centers pop against dark green foliage. Affected by pH, acidic soil will turn the flowers shades of lavender. Blooms on old and new wood.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Does best in part sun to part shade. Can take full sun. The original. The first in the Endless Summer hydrangea collection that was found to bloom on both new and old wood. Endless blooming. Adjust your soil's pH to control shades of vivid pink to eye catching blue.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to partial shade. Large, double flowered, mop-head blooms that range from dark pink to blue contrast against rich green foliage. Compact plant. Blooms on old wood.

4-5 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part shade. A compact, early blooming, heat tolerant selection with attractive season- long greenish red foliage. Stunning flower clusters first open to a creamy white then turn pink and develop into a deep red in fall. Easily trimmed.

4 ft T 4 ft W Part sun to shade. Unique, semi-double, reblooming mophead with amazing, bi-colored flowers of red with creme eye all summer long. Prune after done blooming to shape.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part shade. An oakleaf hydrangea that boasts big, showy blooms that quickly transform from pure white to a glorious pink, providing months of color. Handsome dark green foliage turns burgundy in fall. Native. Easily trimmed.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part shade. Lusciously full mophead pink-ruby flowers rebloom for months. A smooth hydrangea. Native.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part shade. Lusciously full mophead deep pink-mauve flowers rebloom for months. A smooth hydrangea. Native.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Candle-shaped flowers bloom creamy white and transition into bright red as summer fades. Sturdy red stems carry the beautiful blooms and provide winter attraction. Easily trimmed.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part shade. Huge, football sized flowers open in an elegant green that age to a creamy white and finally turn shades of pink, red and burgundy in late fall. Tough. Strong bloomer. Blooms on new wood. Easily trimmed.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. A dwarf form of the popular Limelight hydrangea. Same great flower power in a smaller package. Attractive green flowers turn white and age to shades of pink and red in fall. Fantastic plant! Easily trimmed.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Full sun to partial sun. Blooms emerge lime green, but they change progressively from the bottom up in a gorgeous array of white, light pink and rich Hawaiian Punch Red. Easily trimmed.

4 ft T 4 ft W Full sun to part shade. Huge, full flower heads and sturdy, strong stems. Blooms emerge creamy-white and age to a vivid red for lots of summer color. Easily trimmed.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Creamy white blooms emerge with lime-green centers. Sturdy stems and midsized form make moonrock magnificent for containers or borders. Easily trimmed.

6 ft T 6 ft W Full sun to part shade. Large, white panicles open in mid summer and as summer turns to fall the florets at the base of the panicles turn pink. Result in a spectacular two-toned flower that can read up to 16” long. Easily trimmed.

2-3 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. This eye-catching, compact rebloomer boasts wide mop-head flowers with an exciting color combination. Lime green accented with a deep rosy pink. Blooms until frost.

3-4 ft T 4-5 ft W Part sun to shade. A profusion of exceptionally large, white blossoms in summer that quickly age to deep pink. Dark green, deeply lobed oak-like foliage turns brilliant mahogany in fall. Native.

4-5 ft T 5-6 ft T Part sun to shade. Large, 6-8” dense, white flower clusters above dark green oak leaf shaped foliage. Midsummer blooms develop a rosy-pink hue in fall as leaves turn deep red-bronze. Attractive exfoliating bark.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Unique lace cap with blue or pink star insets, depending on soil pH, surrounded by white edges. Compact growth habit. These double blooms are sure to impress.

1 ½ - 3 ft T 1 ½ - 3 ft W Full sun to part shade. With a profusion of big raspberry red blooms summer into fall, the hydrangea is a knockout. Keeps a compact, neat and tidy look all year. Blooms both on new and old wood.

1 ½ -2 ft T 1 ½- 2 ft W Full sun to part shade. Abundant lacecap flowers comprised of double sepals. This plant leans to blue, but flower color may range from blue to soft pink. As the flower ages it turns an attractive pink. Blooms on old and new wood. Better cold tolerance than other lacecaps.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part shade. Showy blooms and beautiful bright pink or purple-blue colors depending on soil pH. Better cold tolerance than other lacecaps. Blooms on old and new wood.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part shade. Showy blooms of deep pink-red. Better cold tolerance than other lacecaps. Blooms on old and new wood.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. The first reblooming lace cap hydrangea, boasts picturesque deep pink or periwinkle blue flowers summer into fall. Vivid red stems add more interest.

2-3 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. This exceptional hybrid features full double blooms above lush dark green foliage. Blooms spring through fall.

4-6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. Beautiful blooms that emerge pure white and then turn bright pink from the bottom up. Flowers eventually age to a dark pink-red and stay colorful for months. Easily trimmed to shape.
Hypericum (St. John's Wort)

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun, Brilliant golden yellow 3 inch cup shaped flowers bloom on this tidy mounding shrub. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to shade. Lightly scented, pure white flowers that shoot above its mounded, compact structure. Green foliage turns brilliant shades of orange and red in fall. Tolerates damp soil. Native.

3-4 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to shade. Fragrant pure white flowers in early summer on a dense, compact form. Expect a stunning seasonal display of deep wine red fall foliage that persists into winter. Tolerates damp soil. Great for woodland setting. Native

1 ft T 4 ft+ W Full sun. This tightly branched, low growing, evergreen shrub with handsome scale-like foliage creates a versatile ground cover. Excellent in rock gardens or in a border. Bright green foliage turns plum in winter. Deer resistant.

1 ft T 4 ft+ W Full sun. This wonderful, low, spreading form makes a superb ground cover. Dense, blue-green foliage gives this selection a handsome appearance and is best when not pruned. Heat tolerant. Salt tolerant. Deer resistant.

8-10 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. Glowing blue-green foliage on a densely branched, broad pyramid form that maintains its natural form well. Evergreen. Deer resistant.

2 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. Slow growing evergreen with attractive sparkling blue foliage on dense branches. Minimal care needed.

2-3 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Outstanding golden color and compact form makes this evergreen an excellent choice as a colorful accent. Color is retained and deepens in winter. Deer resistant.

2-3 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. A finely textured evergreen with arching branches clothed in soft, silver-gray foliage. Stunning when planted in masses. Low maintenance.

12-15 ft T 5 ft W Full sun. Exceptionally showy, silver-blue foliage on a broad pyramidal form this is a highly attractive landscape piece. Evergreen. Deer resistant.

1 ft T 4 ft+ W Full sun. Blue-green needles on stiff spreading branches. Spreads quickly. Tough plant. Deer resistant. Evergreen. Great for dry soil.

1 ½ - 2 ft T 4 ft+ W Full sun. One of the best ground covers. Providing an evergreen effect with very low maintenance. Blue-green foliage on fast growing branches. Deer resistant.

2 ½ ft T 2 ½ ft W Full sun to shade. Dark red evergreen foliage ages to green in summer and purple in winter. Small white flowers in spring. Does well in containers.

4-6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. Big, bold and beautiful. Large dark purple buds emerge in mid to late spring. These fragrant purple-lilac blooms last for weeks. After a brief rest and some new growth the plant will bloom again late summer continuing til frost. Deer resistant.

8-10 ft T 6 ft Full sun. Gorgeous deep wine red, double flower clusters are highly fragrant. Blooms mid-May. Must be trimmed after blooming.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. A dwarf lilac with reddish-purple buds that open to fragrant, pink-lavender flowers. Blooms mid- May. Green leaves turn reddish-purple in fall.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. This upright, compact lilac blooms later than others, extending the season with deep purple bus that open clusters of highly fragrant, lavender flowers. Foliage is burgundy tinged in fall. Great powdery mildew resistance.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun. Rich, true pink large blooms in spring. Like other lilacs, it has a pleasing fragrance that lingers in the spring air. Rich green foliage.

4-6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. A new generation of lilacs! This compact, lilac produces fragrant, lavender flowers in the spring, is mildew resistant and has beautiful foliage all season. Attracts butterflies and pollinators.

4-6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. A new generation of lilacs! This compact, lilac produces fragrant, white flowers in the spring, is mildew resistant and has beautiful foliage all season. Attracts butterflies and pollinators.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun. An award winning Box Honeysuckle featuring flashy chartreuse foliage on a densem midsize frame. Let it naturally cascade. Great for a low hedge. Can be trimmed hard.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to partial shade. A striking winter flowering shrub with dark evergreen foliage. Bronze new growth contrasts nicely with the mature dark green foliage. Flowers are bright yellow and slightly fragrant. Blue berries are attractive in spring. Keep out of winter winds.

1 ftT 4 ft+ W Full sun to full shade. Feathery, soft textured foliage is arranged in flat fan-like sprays. Foliage is bright green in summer changing to bronze- purple in fall and winter. Evergreen.
Mock Orange

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. A dwarf flowering shrub with a natural vase shape. Wonderfully fragrant, double flowers provide a delightful spring landscape accent. Native.
Mountain Laurel

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Showy clusters of white flowers add glory to this dwarf evergreen shrub in late spring. Native. Prune after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Pink buds open to gorgeous white flowers with a striking maroon-red band around the inside edge in late spring. Evergreen. Native. Prune after blooming.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Part sun to part shade. Distinctive red flower buds open to showy clusters of rose cup-shaped flowers from mid to late spring. Dark green evergreen foliage. Native. Prune after blooming.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to partial sun. A very hardy, trouble-free and colorful evergreen shrub with vibrant ever-changing foliage. New leaves emerge scarlet red in spring and mature to blue-green in summer, as small white flowers appear. Intense red foliage develops in fall. Great in clusters. Trim in spring.

3-4 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. A real eye-catcher, this evergreen shrub with a compact, rounded habit provides brilliant year-round color. Bright coral to russet-red foliage has a lacy appearance.

5-6 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Vibrant greens, yellows and orange colors. New leaves emerge in shades of purple to red. Clusters of white flowers cover the plant in late spring / early summer. Native.

5-6 ft T 5-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. Spring foliage emerges a sunny orange color that matues to sparkling burgundy. Clusters of white flowers cover the plant in late spring. Native. Low maintenance. Trim in fall or spring. Deciduous.

4 ft T 4 ft W Full sun. Glossy bright red new growth matures to burgundy red. Soft pink flowers in summer. Low maintenance. Deciduous.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. Tangy chartreuse foliage contrasts deep red stems on this stunning compact shrub. Sweetly accented with a dusting of white flower clusters. Compact and low maintenance. Deciduous.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. An exciting improvement in this Ninebark, fine textured, dark foliage that is mildew resistant. Clusters of small purplish-white flowers in June. Great substitute for Barberry. Can be easily trimmed to desired shape and size. Native.

4-5 ft T 3 ft W Full sun. With sleek black foliage and stems, Panther is the ultimate contrast for your garden. Upright and compact. Pink, button-like blooms appear in summer. Deciduous.
Nishiki Willow

w 6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun. Weeping branches display striking pink stems and buds, surrounded by foliage mottled in white, green and pink. Easily trimmed. Deciduous. Tough plant. Can take wet soil.

3-5 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Goshiki translates from Japanese as ‘five colors’. Its new leaves emerge red and quickly turn green. The green leaves are daubed with spots of creamy white, grey-green and yellow green. Evergreen.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Arching pink bell-shaped flowers cascade over glossy green foliage in spring. Dramatic wine-red new growth emerges spring through summer. Fast grower. Evergreen. Deer resistant.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. Fiery red new growth rises from lustrous evergreen foliage then ages to a deep green. Profuse clusters of white flowers in spring. Evergreen. Deer resistant.

5 ft T 5 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Eye catching, bushy, rounded evergreen shrub. Abundant spring blooms and a striking foliage, which emerges bright red before turning glossy, dark green. Pink buds open to fragrant white flowers. Deer resistant.

1-2 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part shade. A rugged and hardy evergreen with an evenly mounded habit of finely textured, rich deep green foliage. Slow growing. Easy care. Salt tolerant.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun. A versatile small shrub providing large rich yellow, buttercup-like flowers in summer. Soft finely textured dark green foliage on a mounding form. Deciduous. Tough. Trim after blooming to promote more blooms.

3 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. Beautiful spreading shrub with fiery-red, apple-blossom- like flowers that precede leaves each spring. Produces greenish-yellow fruit.
Red Twig Dogwood

6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to partial sun. Variegated leaves, attractive white flowers in spring. Stunning fall color and showy red stems all winter. Vigorous and adaptable. Deciduous. Can take wet soil conditions.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Full sun to shade. A compact, dwarf variety with brilliant red stems in winter. Green leaves support small white flowers late spring. Deer resistant. Native.

3-5 ft T 3-4 ft W Part sun to part shade. Reddish-purple flowers with a deep purple-red blotch. Smaller than many Rhododendron. Trim after blooming.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. A dense, upright evergreen. Violet buds that open into lavender flowers with some reddish or pale brown spots. Trim only after blooming.

4 ft T 4-6 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Large, rounded trusses of white bell-shaped flowers with yellow blotches. The compact, dense form is wider than it is tall. Evergreen. Trim only after blooming.

4 ft T 4 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Large trusses of white flowers create a beautiful contrast to the dark green leaves. Evergreen. Trim after blooming.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. One of the best on the market, offering large trusses of blooms for a dramatic spring display. Large deep purple flowers with a darker flair. Trim after blooming.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. A beautiful, dense growing evergreen shrub, prized for its large, elegant trusses of showy rosy, pink-purple flowers. Dark green evergreen foliage. Trim after blooming.

Filtered sun to part shade. Beautiful evergreen with large wavy edged, rosy lilac flowers in spring with rays of yellow-green spotting. Handsome dark green foliage. Trim after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Beautiful salmon pink flowers with a golden yellow throat appear in spring. Bright green leaves last into November, then fall. Deciduous.

4-5 ft T 3-4 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Extremely hardy. Displays large trusses of lightly scented, deep pink blooms with orange-red specks. Dense, dark green foliage. Evergreen. Trim after blooming.

4 ft T 4 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. A vigorous, compact, evergreen. Flower buds open a rosey-red and mature to rosy-pink. Flowers have a light fragrance. Trim only after blooming.

5-6 ft T 5-6 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Dense evergreen, with large trusses of bright red flowers appear in spring. Trim after blooming.

6 ft T 6 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Compact evergreen with intense deep purple buds that open to large violet-purple flowers in late May. Dark leaves with undulating edges nicely frame the colorful flowers. Trim after blooming.

3 ft T 3-4 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. A dense, compact dwarf variety. Deep red-violet buds open to light purple flowers with lighter centers and vivid orange- yellow spots. Trim after blooming.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Large pale lavender flowers age to white, with brownish-orange blotch. Vigorous grower. Trim after blooming.

5 ft T 5 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Dense, evergreen shrub prized for its large trusses of shiny, bright red flowers. One of the toughest varieties. Trim only after blooming.

3-4 ft T 3 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Stunning, wavy, vibrant pink, lightly scented flowers blanket this cold hardy, compact evergreen in April. Shiny, green foliage turns rich mahogany in late fall. Trim after blooming.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Compact, rounded, small-leaved evergreen. Lavender flowers bloom in clusters in April. Leathery, dark green leaves take on purple tones in winter. Trim after blooming.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. Vigorous growing evergreen with large trusses of rose-lilac colored flowers. Trim after blooming.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. A vigorous- growing evergreen shrub. Large trusses of rose-lilac flowers. Trim after blooming.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. An upright evergreen shrub with glossy, dark green leaves. Rounded trusses of pink flowers bloom in spring. Trim after blooming.

3 ft T 3 ft W Filtered sun to part shade. A dense, compact low grower with showy pinkish-white blooms that create a striking contrast against the deep olive green foliage. Low maintenance. Trim after blooming.

1 ½ ft T 2 1/2 ft W Full sun. Beautiful ground cover with double apricot colored flowers begin in late spring and display a season-long show of color. Tough and great disease resistance. Great for small gardens or walkways. Trim to shape in March.

1 ½ ft T 2 1/2 ft W Full sun. Low growing distinctive mounding ground cover has deep pink flowers with a soft, faded center bloom in abundance late spring into fall. Great disease resistance and easy to care for. Great for small gardens and walkways. Trim to shape in March.

1 ½ ft T 2 1/2 ft W Full sun. Soft buttery yellow blooms that fade to a creamy white. This continuous bloomer flowers late spring into fall. Trim to shape in March.

1 ½ ft T 2 1/2 ft W Full sun. Petite red flowers prove to be an elegant addition to any garden. Blooms late spring into fall, a real show stopper. Trim to shape in March.

1 ½ ft T 2 1/2 ft W Full sun. Pure white, double flowers that are perfectly shaped like miniature roses. These impressive white blooms will brighten any garden. Trim to shape in March.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Stunning vibrant coral flowers bloom late spring until first frost. Trim hard in March for best shape.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. A bright bubble-gum pink bloomer. Flowers last from early spring to the first frost. Tough plant. Trim hard in March for best shape.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Full double flowers look just like a classic rose. Vibrant cherry red colored flowers bloom late spring until first frost. Tough plant. Trim hard in March for best shape.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun. Fragrant bright yellow flowers that fade to a pastel cream color. Blooms late spring until the first frost. Tough plant. Trim hard in March for best shape.
Rose of Sharon

8-10 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part sun. An eye catching shrub with exceptional flowers of heavily ruffled, deep pink with a dark red eye. Can be trained as a small tree. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant.

8-10 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun. Large, single blue blooms, adorned with a lacy center. Bold yet delicate. Blooms all summer. Salt tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Deciduous. Great hedge.

8-10 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. White, heavily ruffled flowers with reddish-purple eyes compliment handsome, leathery, dark green leaves. Blooms all summer. Salt tolerant. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies. Great hedge.

8-10 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. A stunning display of 5” masses of double reddish- fuchsia flowers in summer. Salt tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Great hedge.

8-10 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. Compact, deciduous shrub selected for abundance and continuous blooming. Lavender-blue flowers have a pink overlay and dark red eye. Salt tolerant. Attracts butterflies. Deer resistant. Great hedge.

6-9 ft T 6-9 ft W Full sun to part sun. Intense purple black foliage is finely cut like lace. Pink flowers in early summer. Extremely durable. Deer resistant. Native. Can take heavy trimming.

4-6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part sun. Finely dissected foliage is cheery gold-yellow as the foliage ages it turns chartreuse. White flowers in early spring. Can be trimmed to keep small. Native. Deer resistant.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part shade. Small white flowers bloom before leaves appear in spring. Noted for its reddish-purple foliage that retains good color throughout the summer. Can be trimmed hard.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun. Dramatic, long lasting, pinkish purple smoke like airy seed clusters backed by reddish purple foliage create a prized large shrub. Scarlet fall color. Can be trimmed to desired shape and size. Deer resistant.

5-6 ft T 5-6 ft W Full sun. Leaves emerge rich purple as summer heat comes on, they turn a deep near black tone and finally light up in an array of reds and oranges in fall. In early summer, large soft panicles appear that become the misty ‘smoke’ that makes this such a popular plant. Deer resistant.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun. A dense, mounding shrub with attractive bronze tinged new growth in spring that matures to a soft yellow-green and develops into a brilliant coppery- orange fall color. Rosy red flowers rise in summer. Tough plant. Easy to shape and trim. Deer resistant.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Vibrant golden spring foliage, accented by clusters of pink flowers, cool to a yellowish green in summer then a rich yellowish orange in fall. Tough plant. Easy to shape and trim. Deer resistant.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Gorgeous yellow foliage and flat clusters of pretty pink summer flowers. Bright leaves hold their color well and turn pinkish-red in the fall. Easy to trim to shape. Deer resistant.

s 3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Dainty clusters of rose pink blooms create a pleasing contrast with the low-growing, mint-green foliage. Nice, compact, tidy form. Tough plant. Easy to shape and trim. Deer resistant.

1 ½ -2 ft T 1 ½- 2 ft W Full sun to part sun. A neat, compact, mounded shrub with vibrant red new leaves. Clusters of small pink flowers contrast with bright gold mature foliage that turns rich russet red in fall. Excellent plant. Tough. Easy to trim and shape. Deer resistant.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Bright neon red flowers appear over a long period and are offset by a neat mound of rich green foliage that becomes dark burgundy in fall. Tough plant. Easy to trim and shape. Deer resistant.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Full sun to part sun. An easy to grow shrub with graceful spreading branches, dark green foliage and an abundance of white flowers mid to late spring. Tough plant. Easy to trim and shape. Deer resistant

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to part sun. Arching stems and blue-green foliage make for a handsome plant. Spring clusters of white flowers decorate the cascading branches. An old favorite for borders and hedging. Tough plant. Easy to trim and shape. Deer resistant.

6-7 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun. A slow growing perfect cone shaped dwarf conifer displaying dense green needles which are soft to the touch. Deer resistant. Evergreen.

4 ft T 2 ft W Full sun. A slow grower. A dwarf selection of Albert spruce. It forms a perfect cone shape and never needs to be sheared. Evergreen. Deer resistant.

1 ½- 2 ft T 1 ½- 2 ft W Full sun. Rich green needles form a dense, naturally flat topped globe. This small, slow-growing evergreen requires practically no maintenance. Deer resistant.

2-3 ft T 5-6 ft W Full sun to part sun. A tough, fast-growing groundcover. The glossy, green foliage displays excellent red fall color and is fragrant when brushed against. Great for banks or areas with poor soil.

6 ft T 6 ft W Full sun. Cutleaf staghorn sumac shrubs with chartreuse leaflets changing to yellow contrasting with pink stems. A dramatic effect of orange and intense scarlet in fall. Deer resistant.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun to partial shade. This attractive, dense, upright shrub with textured, leathery dark green foliage makes a great hedge, screen or windbreak. Large clusters of fragrant white flowers followed by showy red fruit that mature to black. Semi-evergreen.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to partial shade. White flowers in flat-topped clusters appear in late spring. Flowers give way to blue-black, berry-like drupes which are loved by birds. Dark green, glossy leaves change to yellow and shades of orange/red in the fall. Native.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Prized for its stunning clusters of pinkish-white spring flowers with a wonderful spicy-sweet fragrance and beautiful, lustrous, dark green foliage. The upright, fully branched form is well suited for use as a hedge or screen.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Distinctive flattened heads of flowers that line its branches in June, reveal pure white blooms. Red fruit follows in summer and fall. Bright green leaves turn yellow- rust in fall.

6-8 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Tiered horizontal branches that display the magnificent, large, white, lacecap flower clusters, creating a stunning show in spring. Red berries appear late summer. Green foliage turns burgundy in fall.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Profuse clusters of small, popcorn ball-shaped blooms line each branch in spring. Handsome, deeply veined, green foliage turns red to purple in fall. Red berries from mid summer to early fall. Deciduous.

6-8 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun to part shade. Showy white flower clusters lay on horizontal branches in spring, Red berries appear early fall as leaves turn shade of red to rust.

8-10 ft T 8-10 ft W Full sun to partial shade. White flowers mature to yellow- red fruits and become brilliant scarlet-red. Beautiful fall color of scarlet- red. Also known as American Cranberry bush. Native. Deciduous.

6-8 ft T 6-8 ft W Full sun to partial shade. Fragrant, creamy white flowers followed by white fruit that darkens to pink before maturing to blue. Shiny deep green foliage turns red in the fall. Deciduous.

1-2 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Vibrant electric red, bell-shaped flowers cover dark purple foliage. The first one of its kind! Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Easily trimmed to shape.

3 ft T 3 ft W Full sun to part sun. From spring through autumn, you’ll see bright pink flowers against green and bronze, then orange, then crimson red foliage. Naturally tidy, making it very easy to care for. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun. Clusters of beautiful rose-pink bell-shaped flowers decorate the striking variegated foliage on a compact, neatly rounded form. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Dark purple foliage all season. Rich pink spring flowers often rebloom through summer. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

3-4 ft T 3-4 ft W Full sun to part sun. Bright cherry-red trumpet flowers above rich green foliage. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

1 ft T 1 ½-2 ft W Full sun to part sun. This tidy mound of dark burgundy-purple leaves can be used as an accent plant or dramatic mass planting. Petite pink flowers in early spring. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

3 ft T 5 ft W Full sun to part sun. Enjoy a spectacular display of rosy-pink blooms against a backdrop of purple-tinged foliage. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

1- 1 ½ ft T 1 ½- ft W Full sun to part sun. A true dwarf that needs little pruning. Pink spring flowers over green and white variegated foliage all summer. Deer resistant.

1 ½-3 ft T 1 ½ -3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Its variegated cream and mint green foliage takes on purple tones. Abundant pink tubular flowers are long lasting. New tough variety. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun to part sun. Fabulous deep purple foliage and bright pink flowers. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part sun. Abundant true white bell-shaped flowers against dark foliage. Deer resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part sun. Gracefully arching branches hold pink and white flowers that are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. Distinctive green, edged with creamy white foliage is beautiful all season. Deer resistant.

4-5 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to part sun. Rich dark purple foliage compliments the rosy-pink flowers that appear in late spring and often rebloom in summer. Deer resistant. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Easily trimmed to desired height.

6 ft T 4-6 ft W Full sun to part shade. An extremely hardy male holly with rich, deep green foliage on a dense, twiggy form. Pollenizer for berry production on Red Sprite. Native.

3-5 ft T 3-5 ft W Full sun to part shade. A profusion of bright red berries on this hardy shrub will brighten the winter landscape and provide food for overwintering birds. Need Jim Dandy for pollination. Native.
Witch Hazel

10-12 ft T 8 ft W Full sun to shade. Spicy fragrant flowers with wavy clear yellow petals and red cups appear on the bare branches late winter. Thick green leaves turn shades of yellow and orange in fall.

8-10 ft T 8 ft W Full sun to shade. Prized for its copper- red wavy petals and spicy fragrance that appear late winter on bare branches. Thick green leaves turn shades of rich orange-red in fall.

10-12 ft T 8 ft W Full sun to shade. Rich coppery-orange flowers late winter. Spicy fragrance. Thick green leaves turn shades of yellow and orange in fall.

2-3 ft T 4-5 ft W Full sun to shade. Very slow growing. A graceful, finely textured evergreen shrub with a spreading, mounded habit. The dense, glossy, needle-like foliage emerges bright-green, then matures to a dark green. Deer resistant.

6-8 ft T 4 ft W Full sun to shade. Very slow growing. Care free, vertical growth habit. Exceptional, dense, finely textured, shiny, dark green foliage. Deer resistant. Evergreen.

2-3 ft T 2-3 ft W Full sun. Upright evergreen foliage adds architectural interest. Colorful striped creamy-white on dark green stays vibrant year round. Deer resistant. 2 ft tall flower spike in summer.